Coming to you soon: the International English Lexicon (IEL). Our plans are taking shape.
This player-focussed and player-owned version of the international word source will be available by July 2023. And players organisations can influence word inclusions.
Our Words Group, combining a wealth of experience in lexicography, linguistics and publishing, has been hard at work behind the scenes. We now have a clear path ahead for developing IEL:
1. Start with CSW19
2. Collate words from various dictionary sources
3. Update and announce the list of additions by mid-2023
4. Distribute initiation kit and cheat sheets
5. Continue to incorporate other lexicons’ updates.
We have listened to players around the world. As a result, our lexicon will only ever gain words, not lose them. Supporting player organisations will be able to submit words for inclusion. Our Words Group will adjudge which words to accept, using sound lexicographical principles.
We will announce the criteria and process shortly.